The Science Committee (SC) of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) is comprised of 11 members, with expertise in areas of ocean acoustics and bioacoustics that cover the breadth of science necessary to achieve the goals of the project.
The IQOE SC recognizes that several organizations and programs, mainly global and regional, also could contribute significantly to the success of the IQOE. Accordingly, the SC has begun to identify potential Liaisons. The SC would welcome representatives of all national IQOE committees as Liaisons. Liaisons representing other kinds of national organizations or agencies, research institutions or agencies, and regional and global organizations and programs will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A representative of the institution hosting the IQOE International Program Office (IPO) would be an IQOE Liaison.
Benefits of Liaison Relationships
Both IQOE and the organizations represented by liaisons would benefit from the relationship in terms of information flow between the organizations and potential for cooperative activities of mutual interest and avoidance of duplicative activities. IQOE Liaisons would be kept informed about program evolution, invited to attend IQOE SC and working group meetings (at their organization’s expense), and consulted on the conduct of various IQOE activities. Liaisons can be involved by email, in conference calls, and by attending in-person meetings.
Responsibilities of Liaisons
The primarily responsibility of liaisons is to serve as a linkage between IQOE and their organizations/projects, reporting in both directions and highlighting areas of potential cooperation.
Limits of Liaison Relationships
IQOE Liaisons would not be ex-officio members of the IQOE SC, so would not be consulted on every decision, or receive every communication sent to SC members, etc. They would not participate in Executive Sessions or be eligible to vote if voting is ever used. Their liaison position would depend on their continuing position with a relevant organization or program that is actively engaged in activities of common interest to the IQOE.
The IPO (or Secretariat) will annually review the status of liaisons and make recommendations to enhance the mutual benefits of service. Liaison relationships may be formalized in terms of memoranda of understanding or can be kept informal.
Current Liaisons
- Biology and Ecosystems Panel of the Global Ocean Observing System: Lavenia Ratnarajah
- Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Convention): Nathan Merchant
- Marine Environmental Research Infrastructure for Data Integration and Application Network (MERIDIAN): Romina Gehrmann
- Ocean Tracking Network: Frederick Whoriskey